This requires a max-level B.O.B Control in the Builder Base, and is consequently only avaliable at Builder Hall 9. Purchasing Builder's Huts is not the only way to acquire extra Builders if you construct the B.O.B's Hut you will be able to use B.O.B as an extra Builder in the Home Village.You can get this through the Builder Pack for USD 19.99 and includes the Builder as well as 2000 Gems.The League All-Star achievement gives 2000 Gems upon reaching the Champion league.The fifth Builder's Hut costs 2000 Gems.You can also get this through the Builder Pack which costs $9.99 USD (£4.49 GBP) and includes the fourth Builder and 1200 Gems.You can also slowly get the Gems by removing Obstacles, like Trees and Bushes.You can get this by reaching the Master league, which gives 1000 Gems from the League All-Star Achievement.The fourth Builder's Hut costs 1000 Gems.You can also get it in the Builder Pack for USD $4.99 that includes the Builder and 500 Gems.With other achievements, this is enough to get the third Builder. The Sweet Victory achievement is easy to get by reaching 1250 Trophies, you get 465 Gems (5 at 75 Trophies, 10 at 750 Trophies, and 450 at 1250 Trophies), which is only 35 Gems from getting the third Builder.Remove obstacles (especially Gem Boxes) until you reach 500 Gems from your remaining 250 Gems from the tutorial and collect small achievements.The third Builder's Hut costs 500 Gems.The second Builder's Hut is bought during the tutorial for 250 Gems.

#Level 10 house framer free#

This figure declines to about 388 days if the Gem Box interval is estimated at 1.5 weeks (10.5 days).
#Level 10 house framer upgrade#
As upgrade timers skyrocket in length later on, it is always helpful to have additional Builders.However, you do not need a Builder to place Decorations or Traps. They are also required to place and upgrade Heroes. You need Builders to construct and upgrade Buildings, Walls and to clear Obstacles.

You obtain two Builder's Huts from completing the tutorial, with another three available for purchase by using Gems.Each Builder's Hut can only hold one Builder at a time.The Builder's Hut is the building used to store Builders when they are not upgrading anything.